
The firm deals with criminal, civil and administrative cases.

The range of different specialisations of its members enables the firm to offer extensive assistance in all aspects of criminal law.

The firm also provides assistance to its clients in all the wide-ranging areas of civil law with particular specialisation in civil liability and corporate services such as debt recovery, labour disputes and contracts.

In administrative law the firm specialises in public sector employment, with particular reference to labour disciplinary matters.

The firm focuses in particular on assisting its clients at the consultancy and extra-judicial phases, with the aim of best protecting their rights in the quickest possible time and with the highest level of professionalism and efficiency.

The firm is able to provide its clients with the benefit of legal aid in criminal, civil and administrative cases.

We are currently involved in major criminal cases (e.g. the national case of the so-called ‘Tritech Brazilian heart valves’), major civil proceedings relating to malpractice, labour and corporate matters, and administrative cases such as disputes with the Ministry of the Interior with the object of obtaining the best possible judgement for the client.




Imposte dirette: la tassazione sulle somme a titolo di risarcimento

L’istanza interpello, la corresponsione



Truffa contrattuale e dolo: il contratto è annullabile

In una serie di vendite a catena, l’ulteriore



Amica Chips e Pata nel mirino dell’AGCM

L’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e